This Songs For You
Al Soucy

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Lyrics by Al Soucy

  2012 Judgement Day   About Changing the World   An Amazing Journey   An Iresistible Love   An Irresistible Love   Back in the Game   Better Luck Next Time   Brand New Day   Broken Promises   Come with Me   Do You Know   Don't Let it Slow You Down   Gates Street   Good Intentions   Great to Be Home   Hand in Hand   Have a Little Faith   I Can't Change   I Can't Stand No More   I Can't Tell If It's Real   I Love That Girl   I Need the Sunshine   I Waited All Day   I've Been Around   In The Dark of the Light   It's a Jungle Out There   Its You   Learn to Love Again   Life on Display   Life's One Hell of a Ride   Living the Good Life   Looking Back   Makes us Care a Little More   Memories About You   Never Let Her Go   Never Never Land   No Place Like Home   Nothing Last Forever   Our Hero's Are Gone   Peace of Mind   Rainy Days and Clouds   Reach to the Sky   Run and Hide   Same Old Story   Seems Like Forever   She Never Had Anyone   Sit on the Sidelines   Something Great   Sounds of the Moor   Southern Comfort   Still Believe   Such a Surprise   Sunday Morning   Take These Arms   That's What Vacation is all About   The Man That I Once Was   There Was Only Today   There's Only One Way   Things Always Work Out   Tonight is Forever   Turned So Many Pages   Until I Found You   We Can Do This Together   What Do You Believe   What Freedom Means   What Have You Got To Say   What I Need To Know   What Makes Us Special   What's It All Mean   Whatever Dreams May Come   When I First Looked in Your Eyes   When I Was Young   When Love Comes Around   When Love Comes Around   Where I Want to Be   Where Magic Comes from   Where There's Light   With Change There is Hope   Words on a Page   You Should Know Better   You Wanna Shake Up   You're My Best Friend   Young Child   Your The Kind of Woman

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