Lyrics by Christine Fellows

  Instructions on How to Dissect a Ground Owl - Christine Fellows  Surprise! - Christine Fellows  A Day in the Road - Christine Fellows  Blueprints - Christine Fellows  Trust - Christine Fellows  Surprise! - Christine Fellows  Not Wanted on the Voyage - Christine Fellows  To a Prize Bird - Christine Fellows  Outcast - Christine Fellows  Yours, and With Ever Grateful Wonder - Christine Fellows  Lost Overtures - Christine Fellows  2 for 1 (part 2) - Christine Fellows  Leap Year - Christine Fellows  Migrations - Christine Fellows  Colourblind - Christine Fellows  Bird as Prophet - Christine Fellows  Surgery - Christine Fellows  Double Takes - Christine Fellows  Phantom Pains - Christine Fellows  Foreword - Christine Fellows  Afterword - Christine Fellows  Paper Anniversary - Christine Fellows  Paper Anniversary (Reprise) - Christine Fellows  What Are Years? - Christine Fellows  Nevertheless - Christine Fellows  The Spinster's Almanac - Christine Fellows  Cruel Jim - Christine Fellows  What Makes the Cherry Red - Christine Fellows  Saturday Night on Utopia Parkway - Christine Fellows  Vertebrea - Christine Fellows  cowboy - Christine Fellows  red letter day - Christine Fellows  small change - Christine Fellows  boy on the cover - Christine Fellows  20 bullets - Christine Fellows  bright blue flame - Christine Fellows  2 little birds - Christine Fellows  ruthless - Christine Fellows  advice - Christine Fellows  Let Us Have Done with the Umbrella of Our Contagion [Instrumental] - Christine Fellows  A Pantry Ballet [Instrumental] - Christine Fellows  Monica's Prelude - Christine Fellows  Vertebrae - Christine Fellows  The Goddess of Macramé - Christine Fellows  Veda's Waltz - Christine Fellows  Un Canadien Errant - Christine Fellows  Small Change/Guilty By Association - Christine Fellows  The Last One Standing - Christine Fellows  Femmes De Chez Nous - Christine Fellows  Departures / Arrivals - Christine Fellows  Seconds After - Christine Fellows  Face Down, Feet First - Christine Fellows  The Parlour Rollers - Christine Fellows